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My School-Year Morning Routine

Getting six kids off to school with a 2 year old underfoot has it challenges. Slowly, over the past few years (of trial and error) I have gotten control of my morning routine and I'm super excited to share it with you! Below you'll find a few simple things I have worked into our morning routine that helps get us out the door with little-to-no fuss.


The kids get dressed before anything else. This may seem like a no brainer, but I wanted to clarify it because in the past I'd have them eat before they got dressed..and man, that was a mistake. At least in my house. They can be slow eaters when they want to be. Something else I should point out is - their clothes are set out the night before. I let them help in the outfit decision making process as well, so everyone knows what to expect in the morning.


Hair gets done. It took me many school years to finally realize that it was way more officiant (for our family at least) to do hair BEFORE breakfast. The boys are on their own with their hair, but the girls, the four school-age girls, need help. They all brush their hair after they get dressed and I take turns doing their hair. This has been the most helpful thing that I have changed in our routine from years past. It takes me just about 20 minutes to do the girls' hair. That's 5 minutes per head, on a good day.


The kids eat breakfast while I pack their lunch. Packing their lunch the night before is my absolute FAVORITE thing to implement in my night-time routine. But as of lately, it's just not happening. So now I am finding myself packing their lunch while they eat breakfast. It's not too bad. And I am tired by the end of the night. So...What-are-ya-gonna-do?


Oh- And the kids wear their robes at the breakfast table!

This is something I just started this school year. Since they already have their school clothes on, this is a good way to keep them clean. If anything drops from the breakfast table, it gets on the robe and prevents a last minute wardrobe change. Plus their robes keep them warm and save me a few extra trips up the stairs dragging their blankets back to their rooms...daily.

As you can see their might be a NON-morning kid in the house. Or two.

After Breakfast:

The kids grab their lunch bags and put them into their backpacks, and pick out their shoes and place them by the door.


They brush their teeth and wash their hands and faces and that's IT! We are out the door! I hope this helps someone who is searching ideas for streamlining their morning out-the-door routine whilst trying to get little ones fed, clothed, and looking decent for school! I see you, you are doing amazing.

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